85 results for author: Christian

Gang Warfare: Mothers as Thirdsiders

We are living in the midst of a raging storm of violence. This storm takes many forms: economic injustice, violence against women, street violence, violence in the home. Violence at work and between differing groups. Violence between nations and against the earth. And that mysterious, undeflected rage we sometimes experience within, aimed simultaneously at the world and at ourselves. What are we to do, faced with this hurricane of injustice and violation? We can try to pretend this storm does not exist, huddling in our tiny boats and hoping against hope that gale-force winds will not drown us. Or we can take another step. Here is a story of one ...

Entrevistas de Radio sobre el Tercer Lado

Negociar en Situaciones Difíciles William Ury en Diálogo con Thomas Hübl Escuche historias sobre el Tercer Lado, del programa de radio "Un Mundo de Posibilidades". Estas historias llevan el Tercer Lado a situaciones de la vida común y resaltan cómo el Tercer Lado emerge en sociedades conflictivas. Peace Talks Radio: Haciendo Paz del Tercer Lado Favor visitar el sitio de Good Radio Show para leer una introducción y una transcripción de la entrevista. Una version condensada de la entrevista (29 min) http://wu.media.s3.amazonaws.com/Peace_Talks_Radio-29_min.mp3   La entrevista completa (59 min) http://...

Interviews on the Third Side

Negotiating in Conflict Situations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22OQBri3gD4 An interview with William Ury and Thomas Hübl NPR's TED Radio Hour on Reconciliation Interview on NPR with William Ury on December 16th, 2016: How Do We Transform Conflict Into Cooperation? Listen to William's segment below. Click here for the transcript and more info. http://wu.media.s3.amazonaws.com/NPR_interview-2016.12.16.mp3 A written interview with William Ury about the Third Side Read an edited compilation of an interview with William Ury conducted by Dee Aker, deputy director of the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice (IPJ), and ...

Book: International Mediation in Venezuela

Published October 1st, 2011 By Jennifer McCoy and Francisco Diez See the original article >> International Mediation in Venezuela analyzes the effort of the Carter Center and the broader international community to prevent violent conflict, to reconcile a deeply divided society, and to preserve democratic processes. From their perspective as facilitators of the intervention and as representatives of the Carter Center, Jennifer McCoy and Francisco Diez present an insider account of mediation at the national and international level. “In this lucidly documented and deeply reflective case study of the Carter ...

The Power of the Third Side: An Interview with Pablo Lumerman

Pablo Lumerman is a dialogue and development facilitator and a community-company-government conflict mediator. Pablo holds a degree with honors in Political Science from the University of Buenos Aires. He also holds a Master’s in Local Development from the National University of General San Martín and the Autonomous University of Madrid. Source: Lindie Botha (2016). The Power of the Third Side: An Interview with Pablo Lumerman. Reflections from Practice Series No. 08 (B. Ganson, ed.). The Hague: ACCESS Facility. View the original article >>   What is one of the more significant challenges or dilemmas you face when you ...