En las noticias
Noticias (en inglés):
- Is War Our Biological Destiny – New York Times, November 11, 2003
- Overview of the Third Side in Venezuela – By Gregory Wilpert, February 2003 (English and Spanish Versions)
- Mobilizing the Third Side for a Winning Alliance against Violence. Mediate.com September 2007
- Communities of Peace in Colombia. www.americas.org November 2003
- Helping the ‘Negotiation Revolution’. DailyCamera.com December 8, 2002
- Teaching About the Third Side. Conflict Management in Higher Education Report October 2002
- Peace on Earth, Goodwill to All. The Communication Project Activity Kit 2002.
- Ury’s Sweet Peace and Kaplan’s Dark Anarchy: Different Words, Same Song? Radical Middle Newsletter March/April 2000
- Taking the Third Side: A best-selling author makes a pitch for getting involved. Andover Bulletin Spring 2000
William Ury Moviliza el Tercer Lado en la crise de 2003 en Venezuela: