What is the Third Side?
The Third Side everywhere
Three opportunities
About Us
Prevent, Resolve, Contain
Stories in:
the Family
the Workplace
the Community
a Warring World
Find out what it means to take the Third Side and discover who the thirdsiders are in any conflict.
Frequently Asked Questions
10 Roles
Third Side Roles everyone plays
Discover the 10 roles that thirdsiders can play to help transform any conflict. Here you will find the descriptions for each role, actions often taken by the roles and resources to support each of them.
10 roles – Overview
• Provider
• Teacher
• Bridge-Builder
• Mediator
• Arbiter
• Equalizer
• Healer
• Witness
• Referee
• Peacekeeper
The 10 roles applied
Resources by Third Side Role
General stories
• Provider in action
• Teacher in action
• Bridge Builder in action
• Mediator in action
• Equalizer in action
• Healer in action
• Witness in action
• Referee in action
• Peacekeeper in action
Stories of the 10 roles
Stories are a powerful way to understand the roles thirdsiders play in transforming conflicts.
The Third Side Toolbox
Find tools that can help you teach and educate yourself and others on the Third Side; disseminate and share Thirdside information; and assess and work conflicts you are interested in looking at.
Take the test! See which roles can resolve a conflict situation you may be experiencing.
Apply 3S to your situation
Measure the cost of conflict
Map out the Conflict
Plan a Third Side conversation
Share stories & interact with Thirdsiders
Overview of skills
Listen from the Third Side
See from the Third Side
Speak from the Third Side
Teach about the Third Side
1. Change the story
2. Learn some skills
3. Start close to home
4. Mediate your own disputes
5. Do what you do best
6. Volunteer your services
7. Fill a missing role
8. Create a winning alliance
9. Urge your organization to take the Third Side
10. Support the Third Side in the wider community
11. Help build Thirdsider institutions
12. Help create a social movement
13. Disseminate and Share
The Third Side Forum
Connect with other practitioners and students to weave a web of inquiry, knowledge and experience. Help us develop a community of support for the development and mobilization of Third Side perspective and expanding our ability to face and transform conflict together.
Other Resources
Fresh off our press
Case studies
Organizations and Universities
In the news
Read the book on the Third Side
The Third Side: Why We Fight and How We Can Stop.
All author’s profits from the sale of this book are used for peace education.
Search the Third Side website
de araña se unen, pueden detener incluso un león."
"Cuando las telas
~ Viejo Proverbio Africano
Historias en varios formatos
El libro
El forum
En las noticias
Entrevistas de radio
¿Dónde está trabajando el Tercer Lado?
En la familia
En el centro de trabajo
En la comunidad
En el mundo
Estudios específicos
Enseñe sobre el Tercer Lado
Casos para Estudio
Libro: Mediación Internacional en Venezuela
Una entrevista con Pablo Lumerman
Los diez roles aplicado
Historias generales
El Proveedor en Acción
El Maestro en Acción
El Construtor de Puentes en Acción
El Mediador en Acción
El Equilibrador en Acción
El Sanador en Acción
El Testigo en Acción
El Referee en Acción
El Guardián de la Paz en Acción
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