Plan a Third Side Conversation

ThirdSiders are continually asking the question, “What is ready to emerge from this conflict?” As Thirdsiders our role is not necessarily to have answers to specific conflicts, but to help all involved work through their own situations and to act as a container for creative contention. If you are a party to a conflict or part of the surrounding community and want to initiate or invite a dialogue you might think about holding a Thirdside Conversation. Below is a format for doing so as well as some tools to help you get started and think through the process.

Plan a 3S ConversationIf you are planning on having a difficult conversation, you can use the form below to help you. This is a simple way to start a Third Side conversation within any conflict, allowing all of us to listen for what wants to arise.

These questions can help you:

  • review the conflict you are trying to support
  • get some perspective about the greater whole
  • recognize your own biases and assumptions

Doing this will also support your ability to make your own Third Side questions.

Alternatively, you can print these questions and fill them out by hand – download them here.

[contact-form-7 id=”852″ title=”Plan a Third Side Conversation”]